Promotional Branded Pens

According to studies conducted by Promotional Products Association International, writing instruments are the second top-selling promotional products after wearables .The same study also found that 83 percent of survey respondents said that they are more likely to keep your promotional pen if it’s a ballpoint pen specifically .
With these staggering numbers in mind, there’s no question that your business should incorporate promotional ballpoint pens into your marketing efforts .

Instead of overwhelming customers with intrusive advertising that will likely be disposed of or ignored, ballpoint pens provide them with a useful item that also doubles as an effective and powerful marketing tool . From schools to companies and even homes, most people use pens everyday for various tasks – signing papers, taking notes, writing lists, and more . And for this reason, promotional ballpoint pens are the items that customers tend to hold on to the longest. When you provide your audience with custom printed ballpoint pens, you’re also providing your business with a simple route to reach even more customers . According to PPAI, people almost always pick up a promotional pen when they see it’s being given away, which makes them some of the most effective promotional products on the market . Every business, no matter the size or type, seeks to prove that it’s a credible source of information, with expertise in a particular field . In order to achieve this goal, a business needs to develop its brand in a way that satisfies its needs, as well as the needs of its customers. Once you make your customers happy, they will be motivated to continue doing business with you, as well as communicate their positive experience to prospective clients . Presenting your custom branded promotional ballpoint pens to your customers is an efficient way to expedite this process. As potential customers see others using your custom ballpoint pens, their curiosity about your brand will be sparked – and you will officially have their attention .
You can easily personalize a large number of ballpoint pens to the preferences of both your brand and your audience. Do this by stylizing your branding in terms of color, font choice, style, printing method or even eco-friendliness. When brought together, all of these elements are a direct reflection of your business and your brand. By making smart decisions in these regards, a custom ballpoint pen acts as yet another credibility booster – without exceeding your budget. With the help of well-designed, high-quality ballpoint pens, you can (literally) put your brand in the hands of your audience and guarantee long-term use of your promotional product!
As you can plainly see, custom promotional ballpoint pens are indeed a powerful tool for reinforcing your value to both your current and your potential customers.
They also continue to lead the way in promotional products, and when designed correctly, they can make an impression that you customers won’t soon forget!

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